Object name
Date made
Place made
Sampler made by seven-year-old Martha Morrice in 1731.
Content description
Sampler worked on unbleached linen with silk threads, made by seven-year-old Martha Morrice and completed on 9 August 1731. The sampler is worked in cross stitch, satin stitch, Algerian eye stitch, and stem stitch. The sampler's border is decorated with red, blue, and white flowers blossoming from undulating vines. The middle of the sampler has horizontal bands of text. The top half is populated by several sets of alphabets, numerals, and a line of crowns. The bottom half of the sampler features two alphabets, three moralistic verses, and a stitched signature.
The three moralistic texts all come from Thomas Dyche's 1707 book A Guide to the English Tongue. The first moralistic text reads, 'If you desire to Worship God aright/First in ye Morning pray & last at Night/Crave for his Blessing on your Labours all/And in Distress for His Assistance Call'. The second passage reads, 'Make much of Precious Time while in your power/Be careful well to husband ever Hour/For Time will come when you shall sore lament/The Unhappy Minutes that you have mispent'. The final moralistic verse reads, 'Kingdoms like private Persons have their Fate/Sometimes in high Sometimes in low estate'. Above this final verse are sets of family initials, 'IM', 'MM', 'AM', 'IT', and 'MT'. The sets of initials ending M are likely the Morrices, whereas those ending with T probably represent Martha's maternal relations.
At the bottom of the sampler is an inscription which reads, 'Martha Morrice Finished this Sampler/August 9 1731 In the eighth year of her Age', making her seven years old. Though it has not been possible to conclusively identify Martha Morrice, her sampler can be linked to two others in a private collection. These samplers were made by eight-year-old 'MM' in the early 1730s and nine-year-old Mary Norris in 1734. Given the visual similarities between these three samplers and their shared use of verses from Thomas Dyche, it is clear they were all taught under the instruction of the same teacher.
The three moralistic texts all come from Thomas Dyche's 1707 book A Guide to the English Tongue. The first moralistic text reads, 'If you desire to Worship God aright/First in ye Morning pray & last at Night/Crave for his Blessing on your Labours all/And in Distress for His Assistance Call'. The second passage reads, 'Make much of Precious Time while in your power/Be careful well to husband ever Hour/For Time will come when you shall sore lament/The Unhappy Minutes that you have mispent'. The final moralistic verse reads, 'Kingdoms like private Persons have their Fate/Sometimes in high Sometimes in low estate'. Above this final verse are sets of family initials, 'IM', 'MM', 'AM', 'IT', and 'MT'. The sets of initials ending M are likely the Morrices, whereas those ending with T probably represent Martha's maternal relations.
At the bottom of the sampler is an inscription which reads, 'Martha Morrice Finished this Sampler/August 9 1731 In the eighth year of her Age', making her seven years old. Though it has not been possible to conclusively identify Martha Morrice, her sampler can be linked to two others in a private collection. These samplers were made by eight-year-old 'MM' in the early 1730s and nine-year-old Mary Norris in 1734. Given the visual similarities between these three samplers and their shared use of verses from Thomas Dyche, it is clear they were all taught under the instruction of the same teacher.
width: 36cm
height: 55.5cm
height: 55.5cm
Catalogue number
© Royal School of Needlework