
Object name


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Crewelwork picture in purple and green threads, worked by M.J. Vigers in 1948-1949.

Content description

Crewelwork picture in purple and green threads, worked by M.J. Vigers in 1948-1949. This piece is a floral design using the Tree of Life form on a loose linen canvas ground. All the leaves and stems are edged with chain stitch. The bottom of the image has six hillocks, five of which are worked in block shading, two in blue to lilac shades, one in green shades, and two in turquoise to lilac shades. The sixth hillock sits behind the tree and is filled with pink seed stitches.

Three large leaves at the base of the tree are worked in long and short stitch with the central vein in chain stitch. The main stem of the tree is chain stitch shaded from lilac through to yellow. There are two large pomegranates with French knot seeds in shades of blue. The seed cases are long and short in shades of pink and the sepal in shades of blue. There are two multi-petalled flowers with white and blue French knot centres and long and short shaded petals in dark pink through to yellow. There are four smaller flowers with white and blue French knotted centres and petals in long and short shaded pale blue to deep pink and purple. A single flower with pointed petals has the same French knotted centre and shading through from pale blue to lilac. Two buds have a sepal of lilac French knots, expanding into cases shaded from lime green to lilac and from gold through to dark pink. The petals are worked in French knots, seed stitch, and long and short separated by chain stitch.

The largest floral motif has leaves filled with long and short, French knots, and chain stitch veins. The inside of the flower is filled with two toned, blue seed stitches. There are also three acorn-like buds with cases filled with French knots and long and short stitches. Spaces are filled with scrolling chain stitch stems and French knot berries in shades of pink.


width: 59.5cm
height: 52cm





Catalogue number

© Royal School of Needlework