Design Card
Level of description
Extent and medium
Dimensions 153mm X 245mm
Royal School of Needlework: Created by the Royal School of Art Needlework as miniaturised versions of designs. Original designs were miniaturised and either traced or copied onto 'Design Cards' which were sent out to clients for next day approval. This was part of the work of the 'Painting Room' sometimes referred to as the Paintroom, the department responsible for all design and draftsmanship.
Scope and content
Design card recording five delicate floral/foliage border designs for embroidery. The first is a abstract design with daisy shapes represented by dashes joined by lines in a scalloped pattern, the centres shaded, with stylised tendrils. The second has stylised flowers and leaves in a linear design. The third has leaves, berries and small flowers all emanating from a central stem in a wider design. The fourth shows bunches of berries and leaves with tendrils. The fifth one is a leaf and berry design resembling a garland.
Presumably cards like this were sent to clients who were considering which border to commission and might be used for a variety of object types.
Presumably cards like this were sent to clients who were considering which border to commission and might be used for a variety of object types.
The card is printed 'Royal School of Art Needlework, Exhibition Road, London S.W.' at the top, and 'It is respectfully requested that designs sent for selection be not kept more than ONE CLEAR DAY and to prevent damage in the post should be returned in the cards sent herewith. It is found necessary to make a charge for replacing designs returned in a damaged condition' at the bottom
Reference code
© Royal School of Needlework